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Find highly-rated local Pros in the DMV Area

Make Money by Helping Others on iProWide

Hire local provider, Make money, earn money, iprowide, mobile app, side hustle , side job, work from home, task rabbit, thumbtack, yellow pages, angie list, happy, stress free, Hire Highly Rated local Service Provider, free
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Our Services

Make Money By Providing Various Services to People


​Register as a Service Provider and help people with various service requests. Your neighbors and friends are looking for same-day handymen, cleaning, pet care, elderly care, snow removal, lawn care, plumbers & more.

Look at the Live Map and see all service requests posted near you, connect via Chat, schedule an appointment, provide the service at your best, and get paid.

Promote your business for FREE on the iProWide App by posting your offers on the LIVE Map. Enjoy a free application with free chat, appointment options & secure payment system.

What are you waiting for? Join us today!

Find Local Service Providers in Your Area


Have you ever felt like you don't have time to call service-providing firms and then spend an hour explaining what you want while being put on hold multiple times? Next, they usually tell you that someone will be available next month or so, and then you have to repeat the cycle by calling a different service-providing firm.


Or maybe you don't even know whom to call for a non-standard service request, like helping you plant a tree and then fix a few things around the house?

No need to stress - try iProWide: a free app that connects service requesters with service providers on the live map. Just post a free ad and explain what needs to be done in one narrative. Local Service Providers will contact you directly via Chat.

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Post Your Availability on the Live Map

Post Your Cancellation and fill in the spot

Promote Your Business for Free

Post Free Ads on the Live Map

Easy Side Hustle

Want a flexible work schedule?

Work with no boss behind your back!

Have a Hobby? Make money out of it!

Schedule appointments in the app

Urgent Same-Day Service Requests

Tired of staying on hold?

Don't want to wait a month to get the job done?

Get same-day services done via iProWide

Get your appointment on the books today!

Pay Nothing if No Deal

Connect with people via Chat (free!)

Enjoy free app with no extra charges

Use secure in-app payment system (Stripe)

Pay as little as 9.89% cut per transaction

Find Local Pro

Find highly-rated local Pros in your area

Post what needs to be done in the LIVE map

Search Today's Deals to find a cheaper option

Enjoy free chat & secure payment system

Don't know whom to call?

Don't know whom to call for a non-standard service request?

Moved to a new place and need a job done?

Post a free ad and local Pros will reach out via Chat



Find Highly-Rated Handyman & House Helpers for same-day urgent services requests. Give it a try today!


House cleaning & Disinfection Services are available to be scheduled today

Download iProWide App!

Snow Removal

Winter is coming and you don't need to stress about snow removal help anymore

Request help through iProWide!

Pet Care

Going on vacation and need someone to take care of your furry friend?

Find Pet Sitter on iProWide!


Professional plumbing requires a set of unique skills and knowledge. Find best plumbers in your area on iProWide.

Custom Cooking

Want to eat home food, but have no time to cook? Hire a custom cook who can cook in your kitchen using desired produce.

A/C & Heating

Find certified technicians specializing in everything from installation to repairs and maintenance. 

& More

Request and Provide any legitimate service on iProWide. The app is free and simple to use. Give it a try today!

You are at the right place!

Anna Lognam

Arlington, VA

"Easy Side Hustle"

"As a student, I am always looking for a side hustle. And I love how easy iProWide is. I look at the map and check for current help requests. Sometimes it's grocery shopping, pet sitting, house cleaning, or simple cooking. In the end, I receive payment safely through the platform."

Alex Reyes

Washington, DC

"Works like a charm"

"Their customer service is outstanding and I love how easy the idea of this app is. I simply post my availability on the live map, and customers reach out to me directly via chat. I am a handyman in the DMV area, and got hired 3 times during last week already. Works like a charm! "

Camila Ramos

Rockville, MD

"Stress-Free Help Search"

“We just moved to Rockville, MD, and we have two kids, a cat, and a puppy. I found a wonderful pet sitter on iProWide - an amazing lady from the building next to mine. She has free time during the day and takes care of the puppy while I am at work. The app is free, by the way.”
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That's what we said

That's what we said

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What services I can find or provide on iProWide?
Any permitted by the law service can be requested and provided on iProWide. Some of the most popular services are listed below to give you an idea about what you can do to make money using the platform: Personal Stylist, Handyman, Assembly, Plumbing, Home Cleaning, Power Washing, Electrical, Appliance Repair, Air Conditioning, Caregiver, Babysitter, Painting, Carpentry, Landscaping, Smart Home, Internet/TV, Security, Lawn Mowing, Lawn Care, Yard Work, Furniture Repair, Car, Catering, Personal cook, Auto Repair, Movers, Heavy lifting, Trash pickup, Snow/Ice, Interior Design, Web Design, Computer, Pet Services, Dog Training, Gardener, Aquarium Services, Road Services, Accounting, Therapist, Massage, Personal Training, Life Coach, Yoga, Nutritionist, Pool services, Astrology, Spiritual Counseling, Translation, Resume Writing, Private Lessons, Palm Reading, Photographers, Tutoring, Event Planning, Delivery, Grocery Shopping, Research, etc.

How to get started?
In order to get started, you need to download the iProWide app from either Google Play or App Store, depending on your device's OS. Then you will need to register as a Service Requester or a Service Provider to access all the available functionalities within the app. 

How to make money on iProWide?
You can provide any service and advertise your business for FREE at iProWide. iProWide is a mobile app that connects service Pros with service Reqs. The application is free to download and use. 
In order to start making money by posting advertisements and getting in touch with potential customers, you will need to register as a Service Provider. Service Providers can post ads to a live map or respond to ads posted by Service Requesters and promote services. A Service Provider is required to schedule an appointment and use a secure in-app payment system to get paid for services provided to comply with the iProWide Terms of Use. 

How to request a service on iProWide?
If you are looking for a local Service Provider, you will need to register as a Service Requester. Service Requesters can post ads to a live map or respond to ads posted by Service Providers. In addition, Service Requesters are provided with the ability to view the list of all Service Providers registered within the iProWide app and their work-related characteristics: location, years of experience, online status, expertise, pictures of previous work, etc.

Who is Service Requester?
Service Requester is a person who wants to request a service. Please review the Terms of Use, where the service definition and relationships between the Service Requester and the Service Provider are fully described.

Who is Service Provider?
Service Provider is a person who wants to provide a service and has required by the law certificates, licenses, and training completed to provide the service advertised. Please review the Terms of Use, where the service definition and relationships between Service Requester and Service Provider are fully described.

Is iProWide app free?

You can download iProwide app for free. iProWide customers (service requesters and service providers) can post ads, chat, and schedule appointments at no charge. When a service is provided, and payment is made via the in-app secured payment system, a service charge of 9.89% will be withheld from the transaction amount. 
A transparent explanation of this calculation will be provided to a Service Provider on the My Earnings page. No hidden charges, no credit card charges, etc.  Unlike other apps, you pay nothing if no deal.

Can I pay in cash instead of using the in-app payment system?
No, to comply with the Terms of Use, Service Providers and Service Requesters are required to use an in-app secured payment system to use the iProWide App. We aim to provide the most wanted technology to the community, and while we don't have any investors, we have to account for the transaction, hosting, and other technology-related fees that are required to be paid in order to provide appropriate security and sufficient production and customer support.

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